which has the predominant focus on research and scientific production. The development agencies
Fapergs and Capes proposed a scientific initiation notice involving a postgraduate course and
schools of basic education, which is covered by the UPF Civil and Environmental Engineering
Postgraduate Program. The proposal focused on the theme of urban planning and sustainability as
ways of education and citizenship in Passo Fundo, RS. This paper presents the results of the
participatory research involving students and teachers of elementary schools and students and
researchers of the university seeking interdisciplinary integration, contribute to the qualification of
the educational process, dynamized with the community. The activities aimed at integrating, working
and disseminating concepts to the community of partner schools in peripheral neighborhoods of
Passo Fundo: the Guaracy Barroso Marinho School and the Jardim América School. The
methodology was first stage in the university and in schools (seminars, presentations and workshops
on urban planning and sustainability), and the second was field survey (recognition, documentation
and analysis of urban elements) and improvement proposals. Participatory research has resulted in
the community's awareness of citizenship and the right to the city, in the acquisition of knowledge
about urban planning, sustainability and critical training on urban processes. To the academics, the
experience in community alerted to the real needs and demands of urban intervention projects, the
students of the schools enabled themselves a critical look on the urban space in which they live. The
university / school interaction demonstrated the lack of knowledge dissemination at the community
level, making it clear that the university can have a greater social and scientific reach when
integrating basic education with its teaching methodology.
Planning, sustainability, urban periphery, university-basic education integration.
O trabalho apresenta a implementação do projeto de pesquisa intitulado “O Planejamento Urbano
e a Sustentabilidade como Caminhos para a Educação e a Cidadania, em Passo Fundo/RS” inserido
na proposta da CAPES/FAPERGS para o Programa de Iniciação em Ciências, Matemática,
Engenharias, Tecnologias Criativas e Letras – PICMEL, onde se vinculam Programas Universitários
de Pós-graduação a comunidades acadêmicas docentes e discentes, do ensino básico público
brasileiro. Pois se constata que no país, apesar das conquistas científicas e tecnológicas já
alcançadas, as mesmas não têm se revertido na socialização do conhecimento, verificando-se, no
início do terceiro milênio, o baixo nível da escolaridade do povo brasileiro. Conclui-se então, que os
conhecimentos técnicos desenvolvidos pela comunidade científica não estão beneficiando boa
parte da comunidade, sendo que esta ignorância, ao mesmo tempo, impede mais avanços em
relação ao próprio desenvolvimento científico.
A proposta aborda a pesquisa em urbanismo e sustentabilidade como caminhos para educação e
cidadania. Envolveu alunos e professores de duas escolas públicas municipais de ensino básico
denominadas Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Guaracy Barroso Marinho no bairro José
Alexandre Zácchia e Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Jardim América, no bairro de mesmo
nome, localizadas na periferia urbana (Fig. 1).