Redes, sociedade e pólis: recortes epistemológicos na midiatização
Jairo Ferreira 270 tros. Essa hipótese geral é fundamentada teoricamente, em di- versos níveis, apresentados em seções do artigo (meios, signos e tecnologia; meios e dispositivos; a lógica algorítmica agenciando conteúdos, programação, indexação e interações). Essas interfa - ces e hipótese são referência para investigações de casos singu- lares de pesquisa, informados enquanto método e metodologia, incluindo as perguntas específicas a serem construídas confor - me os observáveis. Palavras-chave : Midiatização. Interação. Comunicação. Algorit- mos. Afinidades eletivas. Ab tract : The general objective of this article is to contribute to the research line in mediatization and social processes, with a set of concepts, hypotheses, and theoretical explanations about algorithmic media when they interpose themselves in interac - tions in digital networks, including production and reception of content, schedules, and indexing of offers. The hypothesis that guides this formulation is built on the interfaces between me - diatized interactions and media interposition. The suggested matrix was created from references between the logic of pro - duction, reception, and media, in which each of the poles is transformed and transforms the others. This general hypothesis is theoretically based, on several levels, presented in sections of the article (media, signs, and technology; media and dispositifs; algorithmic logic managing content, programming, indexing, and interactions). These interfaces and hypotheses are a refer- ence for investigations of singular research cases, informed as a method and methodology, including specific questions to be constructed according to the observables. Keywords : Mediatization. Interaction. Communication. Algori- thms. Elective affinities. 1. Interfaces teóricas na construção do objeto Consideramos aqui a hipótese de que o problema da circulação e da comunicação mediatizada começou com a Escola
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