A proteção do consumidor e o consumo sustentável: a dimensão global e regional do consumo sustentável e as iniciativas nacionais
Jaime Gallegos-Zúñiga 44 Palabras clave: Alianza del Pacífico. Desarrollo Sustentable. Protección al Consumidor. Abstract: This paper explains how the Pacific Alliance, encompassing Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, have addressed topics related to sustainable development -mentioned in the 2030 UN Agenda- and particularly the aim for sustainable production and consumption. The research shows different measures designed within the Alliance and in its relations with other economies. For that purpose, a documental re- view method including various legal documents and summits among other activities is used. After which a critical analysis is made, to de- termine the effectiveness of said actions, revealing that they have not translated into substantive regulation in positive law, that allows us to speak of a common statute of the alliance in these matters, beyond the impulse that their incumbents, individually, may have shown. As a result, it is concluded that although the Member States of the Alliance have started a number of measures linked to sustainable growth, as well as creating cooperation instances to share experiences in these fields, it cannot be stated that the Pacific Alliance is an effective engine that produces rules and international compromises of its own. A situation that is even more evident regarding Consumer Protection, where there have been very little advances from a legal perspective. Keywords : Pacific Alliance. Sustainable Development. Sustainable consumption and production patterns. Consumer Protection. Sumario: 1. Agenda 2030 y sus Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible; 2. Alianza del Pacífico Sostenible; 2.1. Compras públicas sostenibles; 3. Relaciones de cooperación externas en materia de desarrollo sostenible; 3.1. Unión Europea; 3.2. Alemania; 3.3. Japón; 3.4. Canadá; 4. Esta- dos Partes de la Alianza del Pacífico y el cumplimiento de los ODS; 5. Protección de los consumidores; 6. ¿Compromisos jurídicamente vin- culantes?; 7. Conclusiones; Referencias. 1. Agenda 2030 y sus Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), que compren- den a una amplia gama de materias posicionan en un primer nivel de
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